Dukes Bailiffs Limited joins Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation

Dukes Bailiffs Limited are proud to announce their membership of the Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO), the largest public sector buying organisation in the UK. The YPO has been widely recognised as one of the simplest and most cost effective methods for Local Authorities going to tender for the collection of council tax and sundry debt. For just a one off fee of £750, councils can access the YPO’s full range of accredited suppliers – this compares to the thousands of pounds worth of costs usually associated with the tender process.

One of the major benefits of the YPO is that Local Authorities are protected from challenges to tender results. By taking this risk away, councils can potentially save thousands of pounds by avoiding the need for costly legal advice and re-tendering.

Dukes has been selected to join the YPO alongside 17 of the UK’s top enforcement agencies after achieving a 100% score on its application form.

For more information, contact kwright@dukeslimited.co.uk


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