Collaboration between enforcement agencies

When you look at the news about debt and enforcement, it can often seem like a landscape that’s riddled with conflict. Individuals, businesses, local authorities and various agencies can sometimes appear to be pointing the finger at one another when problems crop up. But, this week, I want to write about one of the things we should associate more with our industry: positive collaboration.

Sometimes it's very visible in extreme circumstances, but it can happen quietly behind the scenes too. The aspect that both have in common is that there’s always a beneficial outcome, which shows just how useful working together can be.

Overcoming obstacles

In the summer, we were involved in a large operation at a traveller camp. Collaborating with local police and various organisations with financial and other interests in the site, we managed to engage a number of people. Consequently, we successfully recouped a large proportion of debt – and our partners fulfilled their objectives – without major incident.

The kind of preparation it takes to secure a space and enter a productive dialogue without sparking conflict is much easier to achieve with the support of the police and other regional entities. Furthermore, by going as a group, we achieved goals that otherwise might have taken numerous repeat visits.

Sending a message

Naturally, I can’t go into detail on the nature of the operation. However, it’s important to note that we’re talking of a group whose actions were clearly outside of the rules of everyday society. By teaming up to reclaim unpaid money and address misdemeanours, these organisations also showed that, collectively, society can stand up to those who undermine it. We showed that we’re not just individuals doing a job – we’re part of the social fabric and economy of our local areas – and that responsibilities, debts and dues must be honoured.

That might sound like a soap-box speech, but in a time when tax cuts and economic uncertainty are spreading worry among businesses, it’s important to stand together and protect what we have.

Positive progression

I also believe that the power of collaboration extends much further. The issue of problem debt spans numerous areas and interests. If we’re to make serious efforts to address it, we need more instances of inter-organisational teamwork. From issues like body worn video to financial education, we could all benefit from the support and sense of perspective that it brings. So, perhaps it's time to drop the confrontational approach to the issue and start working together to produce constructive solutions.

Many thanks for viewing my post; I hope you found it useful.

If you have any private questions on this topic, you can connect with me on LinkedIn and send me a message, or else you'll find my contact details on my LinkedIn profile.


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